Sunday, May 29, 2011

DAY 126: Awaiting Ethan

M and L are good friends of my sister and Tania. M & L are gay. Let's get all this out of the way before we move on. They've been together for about 9 years and are in the final stages of awaiting their first child.

I had the privilege and honour of being able to photograph them, in all their resplendent pregnant beauty this weekend. M is 34 weeks pregnant and L is 34 weeks patiently waiting......

I love babies and, so consequently, love the anticipatory beauty of a pregnant woman. So, this weekend, we all congregated at Karen and Tania's house to capture this beautiful period of awaiting Ethan (they're having a boy and have named him Ethan).

Let me say that what I experienced was far more than I expected to. M & L are no strangers to me. At first, we took photos of them together and I discovered, quite by accident, that M has a tattoo down the right side of her body that is stunningly gorgeous. Now, I'm not a huge fan of the tattoo but this one is just so beautiful and tasteful that I couldn't help but be charmed by it. I wanted to photograph it's snaking character of her body and, one thing led to another - whispers to L that "the top has to come off" followed by further whispers of "the undies, the undies just take away from her beauty.." I was very fortunate that L could see where I was coming from and that I was not just an oddball pervert photographer. She was on the same page as me so, with L's encouragement, we had touchdown!

I cannot tell you how absolutely beautiful this pregnant woman is. I've had two children myself so seeing a woman's belly full of child is no surprise to me. However, M's body was just glowing - it was magical and I was drawn into another world by just taking her photos. She was such a trooper, too. I could see that, after two hours, she was getting tired but I just couldn't get enough, and she soldiered on with a cackle and a smile.

Funniest thing was, after shutting down the house and rearranging the furniture to get the best light etc, the unexpected and sudden arrival of Tania's eldest son, who is 19. HAAAA! Imagine coming home to find that your home has been turned into, what appears to be, a photographic pregnancy porn site. He didn't blink an eye, politely greeted everyone and walked past a very naked M to the other side of the house. Not one question! M took it like the trooper that she is....

So, after that interruption, we moved on. Time moves on, clicks of the shutter furiously punctuate the air and.........Tania's youngest son, who's about 16, also arrives home, unexpectedly! AAAARGH!! Now his eyebrows raise but he, too, quietly greets everyone with politeness. The giveaway was the flashing dimple that said more than he thought it did. The dimples said "Hello now.....what's this in my living room?? Cameras, nude women and....God I love my unconventional family!"

He, too, moves to his room like this is an everyday occurrence which has me briefly, albeit silently, questionning my sister's day-to-day lifestyle. But, we move on....

Until Jules pops in, yep, you guessed it - unexpectedly! You couldn't script this any better and M still sat there, highly amused at the unexpected traffic of people having clandestine peeps at her very pregnant body. Jules realises what's going on and, I suspect out of respect for the extremely nude mummy-to-be, makes a hasty exit. God bless you Jules, if you're reading this.....

Now, let me tell you that once M was clothed, her aura took an entirely different glow and, sitting outside under the pergola talking to L, while M got dressed, I was suddenly moved to tears. I felt like I'd just seen the Virgin Mary (go with me on this) but it suddenly hit me how absolutely privileged an experience I just had. It's not everyday that a pregnant woman will let you into her inner sanctum and witness those little intimate moments between her and her partner, while they wait for the birth of their child. She might let you photograph her, sure, but two hours and a magnificent dinner by Tania down the track, you get to feel like you've been invited some place that not many people get invited to be.

M & L, I don't know if you'll read this. I hope you do. I have photographed quite a lot of people and every one of those is singularly special. Each had it's moments of revelation and wonderment and I always - ALWAYS - walk away from a personal shoot feeling full in my heart.

But your shoot yesterday? I came away bursting at the seams with happiness. I witnessed a rare kind of beauty upfront and personal and, although I'm rarely lost for words, I seem to be struggling to find the adequate ways to communicate how beautiful you both are. Not just as a couple but as parents-to-be.

Thank you for yesterday. For allowing Grant and me to be and see a small part of your life and this very special journey you are both on and, more especially, for letting me see your connection, your very mutual love and respect for each other and the love that's growing in anticipation of your very much-awaited Ethan.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

DAY 111: Return from Bali - Ketut Liyer, Eat, Pray, Love

Before I go into any huge entry about Bali, I feel the need to purge this from my conscience, okay?

I had no intention of visiting Ketut Liyer while I was planning my trip to Bali but thought, if it came upon me, I'd go visit him. I don't know why. After the huge exposure he received from EAT, PRAY, LOVE by Elizabeth Gilbert, I thought it would be interesting to visit him - see who he is and what he was all about.

Did I visit him? We passed his house, sure. I saw the sign and recognised his name and had my momentary flash of excitement. We were on our way to somewhere and I thought to myself "I HAVE to visit him in the next few days".

So............ after a great deal of thought, this was my own personal conclusion. I only wanted to visit Ketut Liyer to touch the peripheral fringe of fame, to say I'd been to see him, to feel the superficial electricity of notoriety. Truth is, if I looked into the white truthfulness of my own heart, I had no intention of visiting any type of soothsayer/magic man in Bali. I feel that I am already on the right path to whatever my destiny or fate is. I don't need anyone to tell me that I'm a good person who is going to live to be 100 and lead a healthy and happy life.

Having come to that conclusion, that I was being nothing more than a star chaser, I felt really good internally and made the conscientious decision NOT to visit him. That I was being a more honest and truthful person to myself and that I was staying true to my own definition of integrity by NOT visiting him gave me such a solid and earthed feeling that I knew I was right.

I don't need to connect myself with anyone famous or otherwise to make me feel important. I am who I am, just good ole Shaz, having a wonderful holiday with my beautifully honest, wise and funny husband and my life will continue to be just this without visiting Ketut Liyer.

Is it age that makes you brave enough to be honest with yourself or it is an evolutionary wisdom? I'm not saying I'm wise, not at all. But I feel wise for having the conviction to ask myself, "Who are you visiting him for? For you? Or for the opportunity to tell your friends that you visited THE Ketut Liyer from Eat, Pray, Love fame?".....and good ole honest Shaz replied, "Meh, why don't you go see the Antonio Blanco Art Museum instead? That's more your thing, isn't it?"

And that is exactly what Grant and I did. We went to the Blanco Museum and I supped on the brazen truthfulness of his erotic art (wasn't expecting that but, when you're honest, the Universe delivers). I filled my spirit with his magical poetry. I feasted my ever-watering eyes on his paintings and came away the richer person for it.