Sunday, May 15, 2011

DAY 111: Return from Bali - Ketut Liyer, Eat, Pray, Love

Before I go into any huge entry about Bali, I feel the need to purge this from my conscience, okay?

I had no intention of visiting Ketut Liyer while I was planning my trip to Bali but thought, if it came upon me, I'd go visit him. I don't know why. After the huge exposure he received from EAT, PRAY, LOVE by Elizabeth Gilbert, I thought it would be interesting to visit him - see who he is and what he was all about.

Did I visit him? We passed his house, sure. I saw the sign and recognised his name and had my momentary flash of excitement. We were on our way to somewhere and I thought to myself "I HAVE to visit him in the next few days".

So............ after a great deal of thought, this was my own personal conclusion. I only wanted to visit Ketut Liyer to touch the peripheral fringe of fame, to say I'd been to see him, to feel the superficial electricity of notoriety. Truth is, if I looked into the white truthfulness of my own heart, I had no intention of visiting any type of soothsayer/magic man in Bali. I feel that I am already on the right path to whatever my destiny or fate is. I don't need anyone to tell me that I'm a good person who is going to live to be 100 and lead a healthy and happy life.

Having come to that conclusion, that I was being nothing more than a star chaser, I felt really good internally and made the conscientious decision NOT to visit him. That I was being a more honest and truthful person to myself and that I was staying true to my own definition of integrity by NOT visiting him gave me such a solid and earthed feeling that I knew I was right.

I don't need to connect myself with anyone famous or otherwise to make me feel important. I am who I am, just good ole Shaz, having a wonderful holiday with my beautifully honest, wise and funny husband and my life will continue to be just this without visiting Ketut Liyer.

Is it age that makes you brave enough to be honest with yourself or it is an evolutionary wisdom? I'm not saying I'm wise, not at all. But I feel wise for having the conviction to ask myself, "Who are you visiting him for? For you? Or for the opportunity to tell your friends that you visited THE Ketut Liyer from Eat, Pray, Love fame?".....and good ole honest Shaz replied, "Meh, why don't you go see the Antonio Blanco Art Museum instead? That's more your thing, isn't it?"

And that is exactly what Grant and I did. We went to the Blanco Museum and I supped on the brazen truthfulness of his erotic art (wasn't expecting that but, when you're honest, the Universe delivers). I filled my spirit with his magical poetry. I feasted my ever-watering eyes on his paintings and came away the richer person for it.

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