Thursday, September 8, 2011

DAY 224: New Chapters (Long Blog, this one)

And so here I am, 4 days into my new job and I'm still quite awed and amazed at the turns my life has taken, all for the positive.

The thing that is thrilling me the most, right at this moment, are the comments I have received, especially recently, at how inspiring I've been to others regarding me taking all the steps I needed to take and commit to in order to have made these changes actually happen for me. I never set out to inspire, to tell you the truth, but that this is one of the results, for taking the lead reigns and making my life BE what I want it to be, is so unexpectedly EXCITING! Who knew??? Who knew I could actually make this happen.....and it's only just started for me.

See.......I now believe (REALLY BELIEVE) that every single one of us has the capacity and capability to change our lives to be what we want it to be or, if you're happy where you are, to maintain that for your future. I never used to believe that - I used to be skeptical and quite cynical of this positive and empowering attitude. And aren't there plenty of those cynical attitudes out there?

However, I sat back and watched and studied the people whom I admired the most (still do) - not just your Oprahs and Mahatma Gandhis and Richard Bransons, but ordinary people too - people who I personally know who make things happen for themselves. People who DO, they don't watch and criticise others - they actually go out there and DO. I studied their behaviour, their attitudes, their resilience and, most of all, their courage and I wanted to be more like them!!! There is a huge difference between those people and the rest .....

It's the way they carry themselves; it's the way they are focused; it's their positivity which appears to be irritating to some (and if you're one of those people who seem to be irritated by these 'positive' people, it's time to examine why that is, my suggestion); it's the way they get back up when they're knocked down; it's what they do when things go pear-shaped; it's all the tangibles and intangibles that make them who they are.......and I was drawn to them!! Like a moth to a flame...

But you know what I admired the most about these people? GOOD THINGS always happened to them!!! They weren't the "Why does this happen to everyone else?" people - they ARE the people that good things happen to. They attracted the energy that they put out there. It's the one single thing they all had in common. They weren't faking happiness - they really ARE happy!

Now I don't care what vehicle you choose to get to this place - just get there! You can read The Secret or Dr. Phil's books;  you can watch and subscribe to; you can subscribe to conventional religion or you can try something alternative - it really doesn't matter to me. That's a personal choice that I respect and won't judge or question.

What matters to me is that you are doing something positive to create positive things around you. Why? Because you CAN!!

I'm not at my destination yet but I KNOW that I've set myself on the road to reach it and that is what makes all the difference to the life I now lead compared to the life I have led in the past.

If I have inspired you in any way, shape or form, then that's the key to knowing that YOU can do it too. It isn't rocket science. I just found something that works for me. Well, I found a few things - not just one - that works for me.

Surrounding myself with really positive, supportive, loving people was a good start. I don't need to have a bazillion friends/acquaintances/mates/pals. I just need a few GOOD friends (and one awesome sister) that inspire and motivate me; that understand me; that love me unconditionally; that just get me.....and I am certainly blessed to have those.

So this law of attraction? It works!! My new job? I am surrounded by loving, thoughtful, caring, supportive, SAFE, honest people and I know - at my core - that I have attracted them into my life and that I am meant to be working with them. I have so much to learn from them and that is so evident already. Sure, I'm the new girl and everyone's being nice but I wasn't born yesterday.

I have been blessed with a good instinctive gut feeling about people and these people are GOOD people!! No tall poppy syndromes here, no jealousies, no back stabbers, no manipulators. They're just pure, good, honest people who want to do a GREAT job, with honesty and integrity......AND HUMOUR. (They're not reading this as they have no idea about this blog).

I'm meant to be here. I'm grateful today for so many things that have come my way. Some have been unexpected gifts from the Universe and some I've made concentrated efforts to attract.

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