Monday, April 11, 2011

DAY 77: Staying Focussed

You know all this talk about being grateful and happy? It's all well and good, right? I BELIEVE it therefore I stick with it. But I have other goals that are sometimes not that easy to stick to.....or, being the shooting star that I am, I come in all blazes and glory and peter out as momentum slows down.

So, how do you remain focussed once you've decided to step onto the path of continuous improvement?
Here's what I'm doing:

THIS very blog reminds me on daily basis what it is I'm trying to achieve. It's not JUST about being happy and grateful. I DO have a purpose in mind. Being so public about it means I can't slip up either, right? Hehehehe.....

I have printed out reminders and whacked them on the fridge, at work, on my iPhone, on Facebook and everywhere else I visit often. I don't REALLY need reminding but it's nice to read the reminders, just in case.

My internal dialogue has also changed. I'm not buying into any negative sentiments and, when you don't feed those nasty urchins, they die a natural death.

I have distanced myself from negative thinking people and aligned (or started aligning) myself with "CAN DO, WANNA DO, AM DOING" kinda folks. Their language is different. Their behaviour is different. Their sense of being is different. It's almost like their pathology is different. Hehehe. They're contagious and inspiring and uplifting. Sounding religious yet?

I READ at least one positive, motivating thought/article/page every single day.

Focus can often be seen as hard work but it doesn't have to be that way. Plan your time to do something totally different, to revitalize you and to leave you free to hear the clues your intuition is giving you. Listen to your intuition for feedback about being focused and appreciate the need for feedback from others. Be open to receive feedback as encouragement and clarification. Accept that being focused is a journey and keep learning and practising along the way.

I think it's great that a photographer is talking about focus.....thought I'd throw that in. 

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