Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day Whatever It Is: Believing in Happiness

At my very core, I believe in the State of Happiness and I like to visit it whenever I can. Life, being what it is sometimes, takes me down detours and bumpy roads with unpredictable speed humps and I've admitted to having those black days when, no matter what I say or do, the cloud is too heavy to lift. Or so it seems.

However me being who I am, I get bored being sad and depressed because it is not my normal state of being and I usually snap out of it which could earn me the title of being Bi-Polar. Labels....*pfffft*...

But when I am feeling HAPPY, I feel invincible and free and limitless. I feel alive and grateful that I have everything and everyone in my life that I already have. I don't long or yearn for anything and there are no voids. Wouldn't it be FABULOUS to live every day like that?

I've come to realise this:

The things that come most quickly into your life are the things that you BELIEVE in the most. You can only bring to you what you BELIEVE. so you must BELIEVE to receive what you want.

Not my statement but I BELIEVE in it. I have wished all the things that bring me happiness into my life by the bucket load and, let me tell you, a truck has backed into my life and dumped a mega tonne of it.

Oh, let me shed some reality light .... there are areas that still need light in my life but when you refocus, you see all the bright things instead of all the shade.

You gotta have rain with sunshine to make a rainbow, right? I have rainy days but, more and more these days, I have sunny ones - BRIGHT, GLORIOUS, MAGICAL sunny days.

I think it's up to you. You CHOOSE whether you enjoy being miserable or whether you enjoy being HAPPY and you decide what your currency is to make all this happen.

When I'm feeling miserable, I ask myself "What are you getting out of this? There seem to be a prize for being and feeling sh1tty and you seem to want to win it today. So what is it?' If I can't come up with any reasonable answer, then I know that it's the game I play with myself. The martyr/victim game and it perpetuates itself. It feeds off itself like a parasite and when you allow it to do that, you give it power.

I'm way too much of a control freak to allow a non-entity to control my moods and, more importantly, my entitlement to happiness and that attitude usually stops it fast in its tracks.

"It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness".

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