Friday, April 8, 2011

Day Today: No More Excuses

It has occurred to me that some of us spend an awful lot of time justifying why we can't do things and make excuses for why goals can't be achieved so much so that we set ourselves up for failure right from the onset and then perpetuate the lie we've told ourselves after that.

"I couldn't do that because.....(insert blame here)"
"I would have done it but I couldn't because .....(insert lame excuse here)"
"I wasn't taught to do that so erego I can't do it"

......and on and on it goes. And folks? I'm a huge culprit of that silly blame game from time to time. I make excuses about why I can't/couldn't/didn't instead of finding the plethora of reasons for why I could or why I can. It seems easier to buffet yourself with plausible excuses so that you don't have to step up to the plate and give it a bash.

Is actual failure the unsuccesful attempt or is it not having the courage to make the attempt at all?

So I had a good look around me and realised that those that ARE doing it are the ones who don't let failure walk all over them. They step up to the plate with courage and a little bit of conviction and I admire those people. I really do. It's contagious when you're around them. They rarely complain - they just get up and do.

So, from today folks, no more excuses. No more "it's because' and "the software didn't work properly". No more blame. No more excuses.

I feel so much stronger internally KNOWing that I can......and I will. Just because it's hard, doesn't mean I can't do it, just means it might take me a little longer, that's all.

I'm all smiles now. I am grateful - TRULY grateful for the revelation that just because others may not have faith in you or, worse, you may not have the faith in yourself, doesn't mean that's the truth.

No More Excuses = N.M.E. It is the more excuses.

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