Friday, March 4, 2011

DAY 37: Autumn

Photo by me

It's autumn!! I love LOVE Love lOVE autumn!! Not exactly sure where Summer went this year or if it ever arrived to be truthful but, nonetheless, it's now officially autumn, which is my favourite season of the year.

Autumn signifies change to me and, after all, isn't that what I am attempting right now? Changing my life not just for the better but for THE VERY BEST! It symbolises the end of a season but prepares to herald the beginning of a new one, a different one.

I've always loved that fresh crispness in the air and the turning of the leaves. Autumn means freshly baked bread and warming home-made soups, fireplaces and furry rugs without having the bitey cold of winter. It means beautiful thick chunky jumpers and long walks in the hills nearby. Calm serene lakes reflecting orange, brown and dark purple leaves in trees that seem almost joyous to be changing their bright summer wardrobe for newer soothing colours of gold and mellow yellows.....

Autumn let sme know that is IS genuinely fantastic to be alive!!

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