Friday, March 25, 2011

DAY CATCH UP: Big Consolidated Blog - Part 1

To say it's been busy is an understatement but it's been brilliant for the last few days/weeks. I've entered a photo competition to test the waters, try my luck, expand my horizons and what's eventuated from another courageous step has been blissfully wonderful!

Okay, I'd LOVE to win the competition - let's get that right out in the open and not hide behind some false facade of fake humility. But what has serendipitously emerged from this whole activity is the amount of unconditional support I've received from family and good friends. I'm totally amazed at how much love and encouragement is out there for me and that's being honest.

I've never thought to measure or test this because, well, who does? I've had the most humbling experience out of all this which has really changed my perception of who I am to other people. It's almost like I MATTER to you guys....I REALLY MATTER and what I do matters. Can't tell you how profoundly this has affected me.

So suddenly winning this competition hasn't become the singularly focal point of the whole exercise. To have made it into the Top 20? BLUDDY MARVELLOUS!! Someone else - a whole bunch of someone else's - think that what I can do and what I DO is good. It has potential.

So if I've doubted myself before, then this has confirmed that my endeavours to shed my old skin and step up to the plate, step out on the ledge, sit on the edge and jump IS the right decision for me. As lovely as winning will be, there are also some others wonderful, meaningful lessons to be learned and savoured from all this.

You guys are beautiful, beautiful people and I'm still standing here blinking quietly, still in the grace of the privilege of having all of you in my life in whatever shape and form you take.

Thank you!

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