Friday, March 4, 2011

DAY 39: Amanda

You know what's made me happy today? I've had a confirmation that I'm on the right path.

I recently met Amanda through a good friend of mine, Alison. Amanda is also a photographer whose work I admire tremendously. So I approached her about spending some time with her to learn from her etc and she said YES!

After a shoot yesterday, we got chatting and one thing led to another and I found out Amanda had a connection with the Yarra Valley - she used to live in one of the towns there. Can you imagine the look of absolute shock on my face when I told her where I used to live and she said that her grandfather built that very house and lived in it????? The same house where my ex and I lived for 8 years? Where my children grew up and still have an attachment to?? THAT house was built by her grandfather??? She described the interior to within a centimetre and I was gobsmacked into silence. I can't tell you the impact that had on me.

Now what are the chances that out of alllll the plethora of choices of photographers in Melbourne and Victoria, I met Amanda and there's a connection that surpasses coincidence?

Is this coincidental? I don't think so.....this is kismet. It was meant to be, like all the stars in the Universe aligned so that the two of us could meet, like we were meant to meet?

So, we have been chatting and swapping stories and I met Amanda's Mum this evening. What a delightfully warm and loving woman who I immediately felt comfortable and safe with and what a night of revelations it was.

Turns out that Amanda and I have a lot more in common that I would have imagined and I firmly believe that she was meant to be in my life.

I don't normally believe in all this stuff but maybe it's time for a rethink because, whether I like it or not, things like this keep happening to me recently and all because I made a conscientious decision to be true to myself and follow my special purpose to wherever it may lead. One life....

It's almost like, because I chose to put the key in the door and open it, it is now leading me in an entirely different direction and destination to where I have been heading. Almost like this is where I've always meant to be heading.

Does that make sense? I have this overwhelming feeling, inside, of eventual discovery, of rightness, like a magnetic pull that's whispering ever so silently that only I can hear it say "Thisssss waaaaaaay, your gut feeling is right" this is where I've always meant to be heading.

Can't tell you how happy this makes me feel. I cannot begin to describe this feeling of OH-MY-GOODNESS!!!

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