Friday, January 28, 2011

DAY 6: Liane, It's A Cold Day For Pontooning

I had lunch today with a good good friend (well, she's more family really), Liane. I love Liane's company so much. Our normal ritual (which has only JUST struck me as I write this) is to email each other and say "Did you bring your lunch today?" and the correct response is "No, I forgot". We repeat this every single time as if we're spies and this is our secret code... like saying "The spotted cuckoo is flying backwards" and the response is "It's a cold day for pontooning. " That kinda thing.....

So, we buy our lunch and take it to the Treasury Gardens across the road and watch the world go by, which is also secret code for watching all the near-naked joggers go by. Nudity shall also feature as a future topic as something to be grateful for and something that makes me VERY happy....but I digress....

In previous meetings in the park, we've almost found the cure for cancer and diabetes (which we both have.......diabetes that is), found a working solution to world hunger and poverty and the most fun thing we've done is randomly plonked ourselves in the background of unsuspecting weddings purely to appear in their photos as guests. It's funnier still when the wedding party is predominantly Asian and then there's this Sri Lankan and Indian chick tacked onto the end like a pair of inappropriate punctuation marks. Allll good. Nod.

Anyway, one of my favourite feelgood things to do is have lunch with Liane. An hour flies by too quickly and she leaves you feeling lighter and fluffier for being in her company.
The only thing warmer and fuzzier is the feeling you get when you pee in your own wetsuit...........I hear.

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