Tuesday, January 25, 2011

DAY 2: My Kids

DAY TWO: In no particular order....My kids!!

They've definitely taken me down the more "scenic" route of parenting but given their DNA, what else could I have expected? I love them as adults - they're such good company.

Funny as all @#!*% (I... hope they don't read this) and such gorgeously intriguing human beings. I'm more than just grateful that I had them and that they are mine (and their Dad's too). I can't imagine how my life would have panned out without them nor the lessons that I've learned as a by-product of having them.

I love what they bring to our family (and not just the happy happy joy joy stuff, the whole kit and caboodle) and my heart and my world is the richest place for ever wanting them and having them.
That said, I love the one who keeps their room cleaner MOST! Tee hee hee...

P.S. I also love the fact that I was clever enough to have a white one and a light brown moccha chocca latte one. How clever was I???

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