Thursday, February 3, 2011

DAY 11: Far North Queensland and Cyclone Yasi

I'm very grateful that the havoc wreaked by Cyclone Yasi is over and the Queenslanders get to move forward. I'm so so so relieved that, to date, there doesn't appear to be any deaths.

I didn't sleep very well last night as I watched and listened to it unfolding, hour by hour....and although I don't know anyone affected by this disaster, I still felt it deep inside my core. I was mesmerised in fear and worry, knowing that all I could do was offer up prayers to the Universe to please.....don't do more damage than you have already done.

Bricks and mortar and weatherboards may have been descimated but it can be rebuilt and that's what Aussies are good at, getting up, dusting off and rebuilding.

Love and blessings to you, Queensland.....

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