Monday, February 7, 2011


(My beautiful birthday cake made by the equally beautiful Katherine Turner)

The grand day has arrived and I am now 47. (Turn the 47 number over, will ya???).....and I was awoken by my gorgeous albeit sleepy husband and my even more sleepy daughter to wish me a Happy Birthday in my bed. That didn't sound right, did it? Grant went and got Alex!! Can I just say, I miss my Adam so much. He wasn't there this morning as he's in Qld and this is my first birthday since he was born that he hasn't been with me. My birthday is a lovely day but only if the people who mean the most to me are with me. The majority are.....but one. I've had my tears and then, strangely he SMS'd me  AT THAT MOMENT and made me promise him to have a brilliant day!! And I have.....

LOVE birthdays almost as much as I LOVE Christmas, which is also a birthday celebration when you think about it, so essentially I LOVE birthdays. Birthdays are a great time to get all introspective and warm and fuzzy about yourself and do a mental stocktake on the previous year and plan the next one.

So, here are my plans for me, outright and public (drum roll please):
  • To get my photography off the ground where it will head into the stratosphere;
  • To get my health back on track so that I'm not only laughing and jumpy jumpy on the outside, my innards will be having a party too;
  • To climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge just like Oprah did. I've been meaning to do this one for a while but it was very kind of her to take the lead and remind me... The mere thought makes me do little puffy lavender parcels in m'pants but I wanna do it - climb the bridge, not make fluffy lavender parcels;
  • To lose the weight I lost and then found again and then to keep losing it. I have no idea WHY I found it again...maybe it found me. So THIS time, I'm gonna dump it and run to my idling car and drive far, far away.
Of course I have other plans that involve family, work, friends, the mailman and the like but these plans are just for me....

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