Monday, February 14, 2011

DAY 22: Musically Moody

Music has always played a huge part of my life. Not that I play anything - piano lessons were sadly wasted on a pathetically melancholy homesick 7 year old in boarding school. What a pity I spent more time hiding from Mrs Baldwin under the staircase than actually learning something that I would have enoyed later  on in my life.

I LOVE listening to music that mirrors my many and ever-changing moods. My taste ranges from classical stuff (not CLASSICALLY classical stuff - that's just too high brow for me) but I enjoy Filippa Giordano in the bath (not HER in the bath - her music playing while I bathe) to Guns 'N' Roses and everything in between.

Of course I have my staples like the Foo Fighters and John Butler and Sarah Maclachlan - I can listen to those without it governing or chaning my moods.

My beautiful Dad sent me a YouTube clip last week of a sweet little blonde 10 year old from American Idol. She sang Pie Jesu and, let me say, she sang it to the point where I was sitting watching it with tears streaming down my face. See, Pie Jesu is a hymn that, to me, is my Dad. Every Easter, I join him in church on Good Friday (it's been 'our' thing for years) and we sit, side by side, and listen to this hymn and life is most complete for me when this is done.

Now it may not be your thing but I'd love it if you listened to this:

Today, I am in a quiet reflective mood so I've been listening to Adele's 21 album, which was a gift from my sister. Magical!! Quite a difference to the other day when I Had Aerosmith blasting from my car....yes, I know, that's so 80s'....but play "Dude Looks Like A Lady" LOUD and I dare you not to be happy. be honest, the happiness was more from singing it to my fellow commuters than anything because some songs are just worth serenading to the general public. The YouTube's worth a look as well....

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