Friday, February 11, 2011

DAY 19: Feeling Good

I received several calls last night from Adam, who is still in Queensland, and, sadly, I couldn't take his calls because I was in the middle of rudey nudey culture at Ripponlea. I received an SMS first thing this morning, " Mum, I have some exciting news to tell you. I want you to tell Gee as well. I did something special today."

So....I rang him the first chance I got today and I could hear that tinge of excitement and contentment in his voice. Let me say what a luxury it is to be able to read your children by the tone of their voice, the slight intonations, the timbre in their voice? It always thrills me when this happens because I feel the safe cocoon of familiarity and love that surrounds my children and me. I know them so well. *grin*.

Anyway, his news was that he went fishing with his boss (yeah, I know, he's doing it tough by the sounds of things) and he was taught by some strangers on a pier how to use a casting net to catch live bait. Apparently there's a real knack to doing this and Adam got the gist of this straight off the bat and all he could think of was to share the news with me and Gee. He caught 20 fish!! He then went on to tell me about all the things he's learning and conquering with his building and construction job. It's a shiney, gleaning happy feeling to hear that pride in your child's voice.

It's the sound of self-worth and ability and ambition....

So, I'm driving in a serene, fluffy cloud of goodness after that phonecall and my thoughts wander to some of the little things that remind me of Adam that make me feel good. Once I've gone past the "Dance of the Dickheads" that only Gee and Alex have been privy to, so far, I move on to his favourite feel-good thing. 

When he's feeling unconquerable and King of All he Surveys, he likes to  play Michael Buble's Feeling Good REALLY LOUD!!

Now, whenever I am on top of the world, I play this song as LOUD as is audibly bearable and it transports me to a happy happy high!

I love that he gets so much pleasure from the small things in life.

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