Thursday, February 17, 2011

DAY 25: Ask And You Shall Receive

My cousin Baz and his wife, Yolette, bought me The Secret moons ago as a present and I was a bit "self help" booked out at the time so I put it in my library (okay, it's my pretentious way of saying bookshelf....sue me) to read on another day. That was a couple of years ago.

If I had to explain all the little things that led me back to this book, you'd either get bored or you'd think I'm a nutbag. I am one of the BIGGEST guffawers and skeptics of anything too ookie-spookie and new age-ish. HOWEVER suffice to say, the Universe presented things to me that I couldn't ignore anymore and one thing led to another and I picked the book up, cynically eyed the cover and quietly whispered to it "So, you think you can enlighten me, can ya? Pffffft."

Let me say that my beautiful sister Karen ignited that flame and then, serendipitously enough, Megan Castran gave it fuel. My rocket was being launched whether I wanted it to be or not so I could either choose to go for the ride or watch from a distance and........ I chose to strap myself in the front seat, go for the ride AND take control of the steering wheel. Hope that makes sense.

So I started reading The Secret and I had ....well, not so much lightbulb moments but more torchlight moments....and Other Shaz (I REALLY should blog about her soon because I think I've referred to her once or twice without a decent explanation) kinda nudged me with her shoulder and said "Why don't you give it a go? if nothing else, you'll have something substantial to guffaw at and you KNOW how you LOVE a good GUFFAW and FNEH".

So I threw myself into it. I ate the apple. Have to admit that it started to feel really good. Out with the negative, in with the positive. I set myself up, rather wankily (it's a word..!!) with positive affirmations on the fridge right next to the fridge magnets that say "You've got a choice of two things for dinner: Take it or leave it", "Good Mothers have sticky floors, filthy ovens and Happy Kids" and a magnet with a picture of a guy chatting up a girl with a text bubble from her saying "No thanks! I already have one asshole in my pants".

I have been at this for over a month and I can't begin to tell you the changes that have occurred. "Like attracts like", apparently and like, good stuff has been coming, like, my way, man. Peace out.

I've decided to step up to the plate and take the biggest swing of my life, to do the things I WANT to do and ACHIEVE out of this life of mine. Hence the new haircut.... the new car...the holiday to Bali in May....and there's more....*twitching eyebrows*...

So, cryptically, I asked The Universe for some help. I won't be too specific because I need to keep something to myself and all will be revealed in good time anyway. I quietly sat on my decking late one night just after Christmas and had this marvellous conversation with the stars in the sky and the very lovely summer breeze rustling through the gumtrees around my house (and probably my unwitting neighbours who said "She's talking to the carport roof again, Jase).

I said "Dear Universe, I REALLY REALLY want this to happen. THIS would make me genuinely and serenely happy, satisfied, fulfilled and content. It would add the MOST important dimension to me and give life to something that I've pushed down and kept dormant for years. I'd REALLY like your help to give it life and make of it what is meant to be. In turn, I hope it will give others the same kind of happiness, if not more".

No..... it wasn't the largest cake in the world to be delivered to my door.

So, yesterday, The Universe proved it was listening and it gave me another rung on this ladder to step up to. I've knocked on similar doors before and never, ever had a positive response.



  1. And now I'm totally intrigued! *knits eyebrows*

  2. shazzah, this is lovely and so funny! i randomly ended up finding your blog and enjoyed the read. i'm an american blogger writing about this journey earthly journey, too... keep it up! xox

  3. Inspiring:) Am trying this too. Cheers. Athina McMahon (this came up when Megan Castran commented on Jewchic - I wish you all the very best:))
