Wednesday, February 9, 2011

DAY 17: My Cuzzies - Collaborators and Co-conspirators

I had lunch today with two of my cousins, Baz and Dave (good solid Indian names, those)... Now I'll try not to get verbose but you have to know this much. I LOVE my cousins!! There are quite a few of them as they are spawn of four of the five brothers who had children, my gorgeous Dad being one of them.

My cousins and I have a connection that runs deep. It starts with our humour which is, predominantly, our closest binding tie. We make each other laugh A LOT! That's because, individually, we're bluddy funny (please refer to my previous blog re: finding myself funny). Then take that and multiply that by 10 because we all find ourselves funny and then we find each other funnier. I hope that makes sense.

We are Sabrina (in India), Debbie, Colin, Cressie, Baz, Tony (aka Anf as in Anfony), Lloyd, Dave, my sister Kaz

Ffrom left to right: Dave (on his wedding day), Colin, Anf, Cressie, Baz, Lloyd and in the front are me in the brownish dress (and the Nanna shoes) and Debbie. Mighty fiiiiine looking bunch, ya think? Oh yeaaaaah.

Being with these guys is the most natural thing in the world. Their wives, who aren't in the pic, are also gorgeous people who add a whole new dimension to my life in all the good ways that only ring-ins can.

Anyway, saw two of them today and it made every pore in my body open up and sing with joy - we laughed....mostly at inappropiate jokes!

We didn't all grow up with each other (well, we did with our own siblings) and only found our consolidated bond and each other in our early 20's. It's been a wonderful ride with these guys. They've been there through great times and also in my not-so-great times, cheering me on, laughing at my jokes, holding me up and loving me as only family can.

I love you guys very very very much!! But I love those who cook for me more.......just saying.

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